Friday, October 22, 2010

Stink Bugs: An Autumn Ritual

This column was published in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Thursday October 21, 2010. 
Autumn. Time for one of those Kootenay traditions that celebrates warm afternoons and cool nights. That’s right, it’s the season again to patrol the outside of the house and flick stink bugs off the deck, chairs, door, walls and apparently every other possible surface. Those that find their way indoors need to be gently evicted. Careful moving them, they’ve got a loaded rear end to make any warthog or skunk jealous.

For good fun, watch the dog catch one, get a mouthful of the bug’s foul discharge then try to clean it out. A smart pet will only do that once. One of our own spring rituals is to open the deck box that holds our outside chair cushions and shake out the dead stink bugs that have lain entombed and frozen throughout the winter. Deck boxes make a poor hibernation choice for insects.

Stink bugs are more properly called Western Conifer Seed bugs (Leptoglossus occidentalis) and are native to the western United States but have been increasing their range through the last century. They are now found throughout eastern North America as well as accidental introductions into Europe (and probably elsewhere), hitching rides on Christmas trees and other forest products.

They move through a single life cycle each year, overwintering as adults before emerging in the spring to feed on developing seeds in green cones. Females then lay neat rows of eggs on conifer needles as their final act. The eggs hatch and successive larval stages continue to feed on the cones and needles of the trees until the adult stage is reached by late August.

And then the fun begins anew. South and west-facing walls and homes make welcoming places to adult stink bugs looking to keep warm. As the nights cool, the bugs will push farther in their search for warmth. No crack or opening seems to narrow for them to fit through. Their body seems almost two-dimensionally thin and they are able to squeeze through any seal not quite air-tight. Think of them as friendly reminders to check your door and window seals.

There is no need for alarm if they are found inside. They do not bite, for their mouth parts are adapted to sucking tree sap from cones, not biting or chewing. Their only downside, apart from those squeamish about insects in the home, is the foul odour they emit if disturbed. Thus the ‘stink bug’ moniker, one well earned. Crushing them is not advised, even picking them up can result in an unfortunate olfactory experience. Encourage them to move onto a piece of paper, then release them back outside.

The insects are entirely harmless, unless you’re running a tree nursery and trying to gather seeds from conifer trees. They can cause significant losses in seed production by adult trees by feeding on developing cones and occasionally killing the tree itself.

How they find these cones was described by Simon Fraser University biologist Stephen Takács. His team found that growing conifer cones are much warmer than the surrounding vegetation, up to 15
º C! (see paper here.) To infrared sensors, a conifer with growing cones appears like a Christmas tree, with each cone brightly “lit” relative to the adjacent greenery.  

Turns out, stink bugs have highly sensitive infrared sensors in their abdomens, directly connected to their brain. When biologists blocked these sensors, seed bugs could no longer find the trees. This attraction to high intensity infrared radiation also explains why the bugs are so drawn to warm, sunlit walls during the autumn.

Ultimately, all the bugs are doing is looking for a place to spend the winter where they won’t freeze to death. As the weather cools and winter looks to set in, that’s something we can all relate to.

Conifer tree under visual and infrared light showing warmer temperature of cones


  1. Great info, thank you.

  2. We get these guys in huge numbers every now and then, all of a sudden they'll start showing up all over our house, the exact picture up there is literally them to a tee, and we've always wondered what in the world these bugs were. My mom complains they stink horribly when she smashes them, but I can't ever smell anything from them. The only weird thing is, whenever they seem to find their way into the house, they linger around for an hour or two then suddenly drop dead. Maybe they've been crawling on some bug spray we've sprayed somewhere.
    That's the other thing that drives me mad and terrifies me - when you're walking through halls or even in your bedroom, suddenly these guys will fly at you kamikaze style, now THAT is terrifying. Especially when you don't get a good look at it at first and think it's a friggin' wasp. They have a pretty blatant sound when they fly too so you always know when one of them is dive-bombing someone in your house, too.

    What's weird is they don't seem to show up in the house EVERY YEAR, it's not an annual thing for us, it seems to be every COUPLE years that suddenly we'll see an explosion of them. Maybe it has something to do with more food one year? Wetter last year, maybe, so more food for them from the trees? I couldn't tell you, but these guys are terrifying if you're a little squeamish with bugs because they show up everywhere and can even fly, too, so watch your head if you're wandering around a dark house in a year their population has exploded.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض من اهم الشركات التى تقوم باعمال الرش والقضاء علي جميع انواع الحشرات والافات سواء الزاحفه او الحشرات الطائرة المتواجده فى المكان فاذا كنت تفكر فى شراء انواع المبيدات التى لا تؤدى الى النتائج المرغوب فيها وتسعى الى تحقيق افضل النتائج فى القضاء على اى نوع من انواع الحشرات المتواجده فى المكان فلا تتردد فى التعاون والتواصل مع شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض على الفور للقيام بهذه الخدمة

  4. Look up kissing bug, I think that's the one in the photo.

  5. Okay I was wrong about the kissing bug. But this is not an actual stink bug.
    I had to check Conifer seed bug information to find out.
    From Wikipedia:
    "This species is a member of the insect family Coreidae, or leaf-footed bugs, which includes other insects such as the Florida leaf-footed bug, L. phyllopus, and the dramatic-looking Acanthocephala femorata. Western conifer seed bugs are sometimes colloquially called stink bugs. This is an accurate description in that they are true bugs that stink, but they are not in the insect family of stink bugs, Pentatomidae."
    I'm sure the other one stinks but not as bad as the ones from Japan. From
    "The brown marmorated stink bug, native to Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea, was first discovered in the United States in eastern Pennsylvania in 1998."

  6. شركة مكافحة حشرات بمكة
    اذا كنت تريد الحصول عل افضل شركة تقضي عل الحشرات فصقر البشاير 0500941566 ثقة لا تنتهي فهي افضل شركة تقوم بمكافحة حشرات المنزل المزعجة والتي تسبب الكثير من المشاكل اليومية بجميع انواعها واشكالها وذلك عنه طريق استخدام مبيدات لها القدرة في القضاء علي اكثر انواع الحشرات مقاومة للمبيدات المختلفة ,نحن افضل شركة تقوم بمكافحة النمل الابيض , مكافحة الصراصير , مكافحة العقارب وجميع انواع الحشرات نملك افضل المتخصصين في القضاء علي الحشرات ,شركة مكافحة حشرات بمكة نقدم خصومات علي رش المنزل اتصل بنا الان للحصول عليها شركة مكافحة قوارض بمكة

  7. They are never in B.C. HAVE NEVER seen them and then all of a sudden there are 5 on my balcony wall. How do you get rid of them for good? I got rid of all my plants as I heard they are attracted to them? Any advice would help. Thanks.

  8. Sorry meant to say West Coast as in Vancouver

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  10. عند القيام بعملية اختيار أثاث مكتبي يجب أن تعرف بعض الخطوات التي تساعدك في الوصول لأعلى كفاءة تناسب ذوقك ومكانك ومن هذة الخطوات
    شركة نقل اثاث بابها

    قياس المساحة المطلوبة للمكان : فالمساحة عامل مهم جدا عند اختيارك لأثاث مكتبي منظم ومرتب وهذة الخطوة مهمة حتى لا يكون المكان مزدحم والأثاث مزدحم شركة نقل اثاث بابها
    ويكون غير مرتب مع بعضه البعض من هنا نقول أن الرسم التخطيطى المبدأى للمكان يساعدك فى عوامل كثيرة ,وذلك لأنك تكون على دراية كاملة بمقاسات الأثاث الذى ستقوم بوضعه فى مكتبك ,أو شركتك
    شركة نقل اثاث بابها

    الألوان :تعتبر الألوان من أهم الخطوات التي يجب شركة نقل عفش بابها
    اتباعها عند اختيار أثاث مكتبي وذلك لعدة عوامل من أهمها تنسيق الأثاث مع الدهانات التي تكون بالمكتب وذلك لأظهاره بشكل مناسب ولائق ومن هنا نقول أن تنسيق الألوان الدهان مع الأثاث يعتبر من الأساسيات ,ولايمكن إهمال هذه الخطوة ,وعليك بالألوان البسيطة لأنها تكون عصرية وتظهر الملامح الكاملة للديكورات التى قمت بعملها فى مكتبك

  11. Is there any information available for making traps to catch these annoying pests and eradicating them? Using Biological methods, not some Arabic pest control service!!
